PlayStation 4 PrototypeController vs PlayStation 3 Controller

There is much speculation behind the PS4 controller but has it already been revealed?  In just a few short days (3 to be exact), Sony are set to announce the reason behind their “See The Future” announcement.  Of course all clues (the most obvious one being the PlayStation symbol buttons appearing in the “See The Future” teaser trailer) lead to the announcement being highly rumored of the new PS4.  Let’s look at the apparent prototype and how it compares with the current controller.

You can read more about the Sony announcement here;

Special Report: PlayStation 4 (PS4) The latest surrounding rumours

In these, I discuss some ideas as to what the new controller will look like.  This is a main focus point to the PS4 as Sony are thinking of dropping the much loved dual shock controller. I’m sure Sony have a very legitimate reason behind this, for some people playing on a PlayStation and growing up with the dual shock this has become a key feature of gaming.

An apparent “trusted source” has released the following image of what the PS4 controller may look like, and although this is a prototype it is set to change between now and when the console is announced, it does make me wonder if the controller can really be changed all that much.

Prototype PS4 controller

Prototype PS4 controller

The image seems to be confirmed by gaming website “IGN” however I cannot help but feel a little let down that the screen is smaller than anticipated, although I do like how it looks like Sony have ‘leveled-up’.

The above image shows a breakdown of all the features on the prototype controller while below is a breakdown of features (and their functions) on the current PlayStation3 controller.


Comparing these two pictures it is easy to spot the resemblance and note what Sony have (for now) altered.  There are people who also note a resemblance between the Xbox controller and Dreamcast VMU.   

New Features on the PS4 Prototype

Analog Sticks – although not new in concept as they feature on the PS3 controller, the analog sticks appear to be slightly further apart though they remain level, which of course is a good thing, unlike the Xbox 360 controller’s unevenly placed sticks. However, the sticks themselves are concave – like the Xbox 360’s. 

Touch Pad – the new front controller should embark a touch pad that can be used in different ways depending on the choice of publishers. It is also possible according to other rumors that this surface hides a small LCD screen.  This is highly rumored. 

Motion-Tracking LED – It is this technology that equips the PlayStation Move and will hopefully have been developed to be more precise. 

Also the R2 and L2 buttons may actually be more in line with spring-loaded Xbox 360-like triggers.


IGN (2013) This Is PlayStation 4’s (Prototype) Controller. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Feb 2013].

Logic Sunrise (2013) [ Rumors ] Prototype of the new controller PS4 (SplitShock) *shift*. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Feb 2013].